Limor is a Psychologist with an MA in Clinical and Educational Child Psychology from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She worked for several years for the Israeli Prison Service, conducting psychological diagnostic evaluations and risk assessments for prisoners sentenced for murder or other violent crimes. She also served as the lead psychologist for the women’s’ prison, providing treatment for female prisoners suffered from personality disorders or other major mental illness.

She was the lead clinician for the national committee for developing treatment of fraud and deception prisoners.
Today she has a private practice in Maastricht, the Netherlands, specializing in the area of anger, aggression, and personality disorders of different kinds. She is active in the world of Schema Therapy, lecturing, teaching, and giving workshops. She also develops and conducts trainings in SafePath Solutions, a schema therapy-based program for teams and organizations.

Mw. L. Navot MA (Limor)

Learning Lab(s) by Limor Navot: